Deploying MongoDB® on RKS

01 May 2022

MongoDB® is one of the most popular databases used by applications to store documents . It uses JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas in place of the tables in traditional relational databases.

In this document we will show you how to easily install it on an RKS cluster.


  • An account on  Ridge Cloud
  • Kubectl, the command line tool for Kubernetes
  • mongoDB shell
  • Helm, the Kubernetes package manager


Creating a Kubernetes Cluster

For a step-by-step guide, visit our guide on how to create a Kubernetes cluster.

Once you are successful, continue here:

Now that our cluster is ready and we have downloaded the kubeconfig file, let’s verify that our cluster is up and running. To verify that you have a running master and worker node,  list the nodes by executing:

If everything works, you should something similar to this:

Now we are ready to deploy our application.

Deploying MongoDB® with Helm

In this tutorial we use a helm chart from Bitnami. First, add the Bitnami helm repo.

Deploy MongoDB® using the helm chart with the name mongodb. The LoadBalancer parameter ensures that the service will be exposed and reachable from the Internet.

The resulting output will look like this:

At this stage you can check and see the service through kubectl:

In the Ridge console you will also be able to see the load balancer that forwards traffic to this service:

To remove this from the cluster at a later time use:


Accessing MongoDB®

Accessing MongoDB® requires credentials. The database was created with a user. Retrieve the credentials with:

Use the following to retrieve the external IP:

Next, launch the shell.

The output will look like this:


Finally, list the dbs to verify that all is well.